I am not a big fan of computers or websites, so http://www.google.com/ it´s my window to this huge world of tecnology. I like it because you can search for anything you can imagine and you will find something. Sometimes you may have problems to find what you want to,it´s true, but you can´t say you didn´t find a thing, that´s the magic of google, always taking me to websites that I can barely dream of. For example, last week I was looking for a painting and the next time I was at Ursula´s personal blog. I read a few lines of it and I felt like she was talking about things that I actually understood. The explanation of that it is she was writing about the same things I was searching to make my essay. I felt this coincidence like a sign because it make me understand what i couldn´t understand at the classroom and give me a great grade(than´s Ursula !!!) I check everything at google, so I visit the website everyday and I have to say that almost never dissapoint me. I can´t remember how I met google but im pretty sure that since that day I love it. Finally I have to say that everytime I visit google.com I smile because the logo it´s always related to a special day, or an important event and i think it is funny.