At this class we where surfing at bbc website, which is very interesting especially the learning English section that have lots of short news provides with vocabulary and games. For example you can found crossroads and “complete the sentences “. I think this way of studying English it is really effective because you get distract of the routine of classes and relax. It is like watching tv. In general it is an interesting place to visit and besides you can learn. But I want to write about the presentation of a topic name it “national stereotypes” that is a short video( it last only a minute) and consist in a journalist asking to british people what they think are the principal stereotypes about Britain with this sentences “ What do people think of when they think about our country?” We can hear three respondents that mostly associated England to: bad weather, the queen, the monarchy and things related to, food, specially fish and chips that I think it is an awesome way to know a little bit of the britains. Fish and chips consist in that, fish and chips. The appealing about it, for myself at least, consist in the way they ate it. They buy the fish and chips wrapped in newspaper and eat it with they´re hands. It think that it is really releasing and show that people from England can be loose sometimes. What do you think about it? What do you think people think about uor country?